The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog
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The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog

You only have one set of adult teeth, and they need to last until you are 80, 90, or beyond. The actions you take towards your teeth today will either benefit you or harm you in the future. Of course, good dental care starts with seeing a dentist regularly. You should go in for cleanings and checkups, and any other time you think something might be amiss with your teeth. Education is important when it comes to any aspect of your health, so start reading the articles on this website to educate yourself about dentists and dental care. We promise that when you're 80 and you still have your teeth, you won't regret the time spent.


The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog

Periodontal Disease and Dental Appliance Complications

Sofia Curtis

If you use dental appliances such as dentures and bridges, you'll need to regularly see your dentist to make sure that your gums are healthy. When you see your dentist regularly, they will be able to identify the early stages of gum disease so that it can be treated before it progresses to severe periodontal disease. If you develop periodontal disease, you may experience problems when wearing your full or partial bridge—and because of this, your dental bridge services provider may need to resize or change the shape of your dental appliances to ensure a better fit. Here are some ways periodontal disease can cause complications with your dentures or bridges.

1. Bone Damage

In the early stages of periodontal disease, you may only experience gum inflammation and redness, slight bleeding, and minor irritation of the gum tissue. As the disease progresses, you may develop gum recessions, drainage, and problems chewing. Later stage periodontal disease may cause the bones that support your teeth to deteriorate, which can cause further problems with your dental bridges.

When your jawbones and bones underneath your gum tissue are destroyed as a result of severe periodontal disease, your dental appliances may no longer fit. They may slide out of place and increase your risk of choking. When you are unable to properly chew your food as a result of ill-fitting dentures or bridges, you may swallow large pieces of food that can obstruct your windpipe. 

2. Anemia

Periodontal disease can raise your risk for anemia in a couple of different ways. The most common way is through blood loss. Periodontal disease can cause your gums to bleed profusely—and if the bleeding persists or if the flow is heavy, you may develop anemia. Another way periodontal disease can lead to anemia is through a chemical reaction.

Periodontal disease can trigger a systemic inflammatory response that can lower your hemoglobin count. When you have anemia, your gums may become increasingly sore and cause further bleeding and you may be unable to wear your dental appliances. Once your periodontal disease and subsequent anemia have been treated, wearing your dentures or dental bridges will be more comfortable.

If you experience bleeding gums or other signs of periodontal disease, make an appointment with your local dentist. When periodontal disease is recognized and effectively treated in its early stages, you will be less likely to experience problems with your dental appliances.
