The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog
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The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog

You only have one set of adult teeth, and they need to last until you are 80, 90, or beyond. The actions you take towards your teeth today will either benefit you or harm you in the future. Of course, good dental care starts with seeing a dentist regularly. You should go in for cleanings and checkups, and any other time you think something might be amiss with your teeth. Education is important when it comes to any aspect of your health, so start reading the articles on this website to educate yourself about dentists and dental care. We promise that when you're 80 and you still have your teeth, you won't regret the time spent.


The Tooth of the Matter: A Dental Blog

What You Should Know About Overbites

Sofia Curtis

You likely have a desire for a great-looking smile, but you have an overbite that is causing a problem. Not only do overbites not look good, but they cause issues with eating and talking. Here is what you need to know about what can cause your overbite and how it can be fixed.

Overbite Causes

You can identify an overbite by looking at your mouth when it is closed. There will be upper teeth that overlap with the lower front teeth. It is possible to have a small overbite that will still cause your mouth to have a normal bite with your rear molars, but you may have a major problem where those rear teeth aren't fully aligned.

Overbites typically happen due to your genes If your siblings or parents have an overbite, you are more likely to develop one too. However, sometimes overbites are unexplained with no other family member having the problems. This can happen from a lower jaw developing in a different way than the upper jaw, leading to your upper jaw sticking out much further than your lower jaw.

Overbites can also develop due to habits that were not broken young in life. For instance, thumb sucking and pacifier use can cause an overbite.

Overbite Fixes

Most overbites aren't serious problems that need to be corrected, but there are corrective procedures available for those that have a severe problem. This is often when you have pain while eating food due to the pressure being applied to misaligned teeth or when an overbite is leading to a lot of dental decay and the enamel on the teeth eroding.

The main way to fix an overbite will be to use braces, with the goal to shift those misaligned teeth into the right position that feels comfortable to you. In some situations, surgery will be needed to physically move an underdeveloped bottom jaw. While surgery can be quite invasive, it can fix symptoms that you experience every day, such as pain.

An overbite is something that you don't have to live with forever. Reach out to a dentist in your area for a consultation on how to fix your overbite problem. They'll recommend a method to fix your overbite, and if they are unable to, redirect you to the right person that can. If all you need are braces, they may recommend an orthodontist to help align your teeth into the correct position.
